How Do I Build Muscle Faster at Home – 3 Tips To Bulk Up Fast

How Do I Build Muscle Faster at Home

How Do I Build Muscle Faster at Home? It can be quite difficult and takes a long time to build muscle mass. 

How Do I Build Muscle Faster at Home

Tips on How do I build muscles faster at Home?

Even with a lot of muscle building exercises and various supplements available you may still be asking how can I build some muscles?

How to Build Muscle Fast in Your Arms at Home?

Here are 3 important workout strategies to help you build muscles easier and in the fastest time.

1. Whether you are trying to lose fat or grow muscles, 95 % of your workout should involve big multi-joint exercises. These exercises are necessary to ensure you get a lean and strong body.

Be sure to emphasise 95% of your workouts on:

  • upper body vertical press for example  kettle or barbell, barbell presses and overhead dumbbellHow Do I build muscles 
  • upper body horizontal press such as pushups, bench press and dips
  • upper body vertical pull like chinups, pullups, pulldowns
  • upper body horizontal rows for instance seated cable rows, one- armed dumbbell rows, bent over barbell rows
  • lower body leg movements like step-ups, lunges, jump lunges and so on
  • lower body deadlifting movements namely sumo deadlifts, regular deadlifts, romanian deadlifts
  • lower body squatting movements which involves back squats, front squats, overhead squats, body weight squats
  • abdominal and core workouts.
  • Please take note that abdominal and core workouts are important but the upper and lower body multi-joint movements are first priority. Besides, most major multi-joint movements will work your abdomens.

So, 95% of your working out routine should target the larger multi-joint areas. Use the remaining 5% to workout the single- joint areas like tricep presses, bicep curls, shoulder shrugs, calf presses, shoulder lateral raises, pec  flyes and so on.

2. Do 45 to 60 minutes of hard and intense training 3 or 4 days a week. Be sure not to workout for more than 60 minutes. Too much training beyond this time may cause excessive catabolism. You need to keep anabolic, but you need hard and intense training in order to stimulate muscle growth.

By doing these heavy weights and high intense types of upper and lower body workouts you will begin to see significant muscle gains.

3. And lastly but certainly not least, stay away from supplement bars and powders and try to avoid high processed foods. Eat foods prepared from quality ingredients. The best sources of protein, good carbs, good fats, vitamins and minerals come from fruits, vegetables, nuts, meats and fish that are organically grown or raised.

Hope you found these muscle building tips helpful. For more fat loss and muscle building help check out Mike Geary’s the The Truth about Six-Pack Abs.

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