Healthy Fat Helps Burn Unwanted Body Fats and Promote Good Health

Healthy Fat Helps Burn Unwanted Body Fats and Promote Good Health

Healthy Fat Helps Burn Unwanted Body Fats and Promote Good Health

In this article, I want to talk about Healthy Fat Helps Burn Unwanted Body Fats and Promote Good Health, healthy fats that are good for you. You may have that confused look on your face wondering if there is such a thing as “healthy fat”.  Usually, when you hear the word fat, you probably think about obesity, heart disease, high cholesterol and all the other bad things associated with the fat word.

How Does Healthy Fat Help Your Body

It’s true, fats contribute to weight gain and health problems, but what’s also true is that there are healthy fats which are beneficial to your health and can help you lose weight.  Natural and healthy fats are called monounsaturated fatty acid (MUFAs) and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). These are the good fats that provide your body with essential fatty acids to keep you in good health and stimulate weight loss.

What Are The Different Types of Fat in The Diet and Where Are They Typically Found?

A Healthy Fat That Helps Burn Body Fat

A type of healthy fat called conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) has been shown to help burn bad fats, speeds up metabolism andHealthy fats are found in healthy beef  build lean muscles. CLA is found in naturally fed animals.

You may have heard of CLA found in tablet forms. These are artificial types of CLA and just like the harmful hydrogenated oils they are not healthy. The best way to get the full benefits of these good fats is from those found in healthy grass-fed animals.

Other Benefits of Healthy Fats

  • Keep you full and satisfied between meals.
  • Give you the energy you need to keep active.
  • Provide you with vitamins A, E, D and K.
  • Help increase your good cholesterol levels.
  • Boost immune system.
  • Promote healthy bones.
  • Protect the liver from toxins, such as alcohol.
  • Help retain omega 3’s in the body.
  • Healthy fat protects the digestive system from bacteria, viruses and other harmful microorganisms.

Some Sources of Healthy Fats

Healthy fat can be found in healthy animals and vegetables such as those listed below.

  • goat
  • beef
  • lamb
  • venison
  • bison
  • organic chicken
  • organic egg yolks
  • salmon
  • mackerel
  • raw nuts
  • sunflower seeds
  • cocoa
  • organic coconut oil and milk (Coconut milk Recipe)
  • avocado
  • olive oil
  • dairy from grass-fed animals

If you have never heard the term healthy fat before reading this article, now you know that not all fats threaten your health. There  are some essential fats that your body needs to encourage weight loss and keep healthy. So go on and fight the bad fats with the super healthy fat.

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