Weight Loss Diet Secrets You Need To Know, But Have Never Heard

Weight Loss Diet Secrets You Need To Know

Weight Loss Diet Secrets You Need To Know: Arm yourself with these unknown weight loss tips the next time you start a diet:

Weight Loss Diet Secrets You Need To Know

4 Secrets to Successful Weight Loss


1. Get rid of your stress!

Stress is one of the top culprits for causing unwanted gains in ones weight. If you are under constant stress your body produces excessive amounts of a hormone called cortisol. If there is too much cortisol in your system your metabolism slows down substantially. Also when we are stressed we tend to gain weight in the most unwanted places, like our stomachs.

To fight this nasty weight inducing culprit you need to find ways to relax. Take time out of your day just for yourself. It’s okay to be selfish every once in awhile. Also consider getting regular massages. The level of cortisol in your body will drop significantly after you get a massage, boosting not only your metabolism but your immune system as well.

2. Cut the pasta out of your diet.

I know pasta tastes really good, but 1 cup of pasta is going to add up to 200 calories to your daily diet. Worse yet you are adding all those unnecessary calories without gaining any substantial nutritional benefits. If you replace just 1 cup of pasta with 1 cup of steamed vegetables you can drop 1 – 2 inches off your waist by the end of the year without doing anything else. Combine this with some other dieting techniques and you will lose some serious weight.

3. Small plates equal big portions – Psychologically speaking.

Satisfaction is integral to any good diet plan. If your diet leaves you feeling unsatisfied it will make you unhappy. If you are unhappy you will quit your diet. Satisfaction comes from two places: your mind and your body. If you use small plates when you dish up your food it will make the portion size look much larger than it really is. This tricks your mind into thinking that you are eating more than you really are increasing your overall satisfaction with the meal. This is one case where playing mind games will actually be good for you.

4. Change the way you think!

Have you ever heard of cognitive reconditioning? The idea behind it is change the way you perceive things. From a weight loss perspective it is very simple. You need to make yourself believe that the pain of staying overweight is far greater than the discomfort that dieting will cause you. The hunger pangs you will occasionally feel aren’t signs of physical discomfort, they are signs that your diet is working.

Basically you need to rewire your brain. Take every negative aspect of dieting and find the positive twist behind it. Think about the positive aspects exclusively and eventually you will forget all about the discomfort that comes along with dieting.

Keep these tips in mind the next time you diet and the weight will fly off.

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