Can Your Clothing Cause You to Burn Calories?

Can Your Clothing Cause You to Burn Calories?

Can Your Clothing Cause You to Burn Calories?

Can Your Clothing Cause You to Burn Calories? Wardrobe for “losers” supposedly causes weight loss, but is it true?

Everyone knows that most weight gain can be attributed to the fact that most people don’t get enough exercise.

Does Wearing Heavy Clothes While Working Out Burn More Calories

Fat burning clothes: That’s because of the work life most of us lead that require us to remain behind a desk in a seated position for about eight hours per day. However, what if you could lose weight simply by wearing your clothes? You wouldn’t have to feel guilty anymore about not being able to get in your daily work out. Well, losing weight just got easier. Philadelphia designers have come out with a new clothing line that helps you lose weight while you are wearing your clothes. Go figure!

Here’s how it works. What to wear to sweat more? You can basically just call it a wardrobe for losers, losers of weight that is. Funny huh? This is a clothing line where both the clothing and the accessories promise the wearer that they will lose weight. Weighted bracelets promise that they will tone muscles all day long.

Does Wearing More Clothes Burn More Fat

Does wearing tight clothes help you lose weight: The product lines are called Banglz and Smart-slip. Two Philadelphia women created them. These women were not the corporate type. They were busy stay at home moms who felt they needed to create a way to sneak exercise into their day. The women’s names are Annie Ullchney and Kim Koelle. The Smart slip and Banglz lines were also featured in a popular issue of Philadelphia Magazine.

The two women created the Smart Slip with the help of Ullchney’s husband who is a physician. The Smart Slip is a very tight material that is worn over the legs. The tightness of the material provides resistance for the legs, therefore making the muscles work harder than they normally would as the wearer of the slip takes a single step.

Does Wearing a Jacket While Working Out Burn More Calories

Does wearing a hoodie while working out help burn fat:Since the muscles work harder, eventually the muscles will become more tone just by wearing the smart slip. That means people are able to work out just by wearing clothes.

There are also Banglz. These are wrists and ankle bracelets that are covered in fabrics that are very attractive. The bracelets weigh in at about a half a pound. The ankle weights weigh about a pound. If you put these bracelets on in the morning and wearing more clothes burn more fat them all day, you should easily begin to “feel the burn.” For more information on these products, you may want to look up these two designers and see just how you can begin to lose weight merely by wearing your clothes.

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