7 Day Diet Plan for Weight Loss for Female | 7 Day Diet Chart for Weight Loss for Female

7 Day Diet Plan for Weight Loss for Female

7 Day Diet Plan for Weight Loss for Females? I only have a few points to make. These are the ones that worked for me.

7 Day Diet Plan for Weight Loss for Female

7 Day Diet Chart for Weight Loss for Female

  • Reduced simple carbs
  • Included a good amount of sprouted chana and moong
  • Prepared my dal with veggies like lauki, cucumber
  • Included good fats like almonds and walnuts
  • Ate an adequate amount of proteins like eggs, paneer, and soya chunks
  • I started getting disciplined in my workouts. I used to create some workout playlists, used to plan my exercises. In short, I always planned my workouts and felt excited for them.
  • No Sugar, Less salt and No refined Flour
  • Only fresh vegetables are prepared with less salt and basic masala and herbs like ginger, garlic, turmeric, coriander. NO processed sauces/masalas/ready to use pastes.
  • No Cold Drink/Processed Juices.


7 Day Diet Plan for Weight Loss for Female: I never understood the importance of tracking my calories

  • I did not make any diet plan.
  • I did not track amount of water I take.
  • I ate with caution around 80 % of time and rest 20 % of time I succumbed to mindless eating. I always thought this 20% will not ruin my health.
  • MY eating at special occasions like parties and festival were driven by the hunger of all sorts of food. I used to eat everything I can lay my hands upon.
  • Exercising was with breaks and there was hardly any regularity.
  • I used to skip exercises whenever I got even a small work.They never were my priority.
  • My exercises were driven by the amount of energy I somehow used to save at the end of my day.
  • I was never excited by my workouts.I never planned them.
  • I was not aware of HIIT workout.
  • I never understood how quality food can change me.
  • I never understood importance of protein,fat and complex carbohydrates.
  • Green veggies were not my thing. I hated them.
  • Chewing my food was not important.
  • This is how I looked. Too bad energy level and I had no energy for anything. Yes, I was just breathing.

Results: Hardly lost any weight. You can see the tummy, the dull face, and the way I look. Nothing to tell how I looked. I hated myself because of my energy level and I can see the same getting reflected everywhere. 7 Day Diet Plan for Weight Loss for Female.


  • The first change I made was of mindset. I made a strong mindset to create sustainable changes.
  • The 2nd change was removing sugar completely. This took some time and I conditioned my mind for it.
  • The 3rd change was to remove all processed food. Anything packed and stored was not included in my diet.
  • I started eating less salt. Your mind is superb and it can take all the changes you make and the energy level coming out of these changes kept me motivated.
  • I made my own diet plan. I created a diet plan after considering my height, weight, activity level, and body fat %.
  • I made a point to record all my meals and made sure I eat an ample amount of fat, protein, and complex carbs.
  • I ate a good amount of complex carbs. I used to eat Oats, sweet potato, brown rice. I kept them around 80 grams in my diet.
  • I ate 1g of protein for each kg of my body weight. I ate eggs, paneer, sprouted moong, sprouted Bengal gram, Rajma.
  • I ate a good amount of good fats like avocado, peanut butter, walnut, avocado, lean meat. They formed 40% of my diet.
  • I drank 5 liters of water every day.
  • Chewing food more no of times was very important.
  • Green veggies became my best friend. They were my savior in the sea of processed food.
  • I enjoyed my workout.
  • I did HIIT 3 times a week.
  • I did weight training twice a week.
  • I planned my workouts and meals to have no deviation.

7 Day Diet Chart for Weight Loss for Female

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