How to Lose Love Handles Fast in 1 Week with Exercise at Home | Men | Women

How to Lose Love Handles Fast in 1 Week with Exercise at Home

How to Lose Love Handles Fast in 1 Week with Exercise at Home

How to Lose Love Handles Fast in 1 Week with Exercise at Home? As we get older our metabolism slows down and we tend to put on a little extra weight. Some people aren't too concerned about some extra fat (which is fine). but too much fat around the stomach can put you at a greater risk of type 2 diabetes or heart disease.

What Exactly Are Love Handles?

How to Lose Love Handles Fast in 1 Week with Exercise? Love handles is a term that refers to the layer of excess fat that can form around a person's abdominal area (particularly on the sides of the abs). Love handles can manifest themselves as rolls or flaps of loose body fat that can appear rather unsightly. The term love handles is often used as an affectionate term (and as the name suggests, it refers to something extra for a loved one to grab on to), but for most people, they are no laughing matter.

How Do You Get Rid Of Love Handles?

How to Get Rid of Love Handles in 1 Week at Home? There is no quick fix or one magical exercise (not even endless crunches) that will shift your love handles. It takes a combination of carefully selected exercises with a well-balanced diet (love handles are a sign of poor diet and a sedentary lifestyle) to lose or lessen their appearance. Specific exercises that target the abdominal area are not really that effective, it is far better to concentrate on exercises that tone the whole (or large parts) of your body.

Exercises To Lose Love Handles Fast in 1 Week

How to Lose Love Handles Fast in 1 Week with Exercise? Exercises that work your obliques (the muscles situated at the sides of your waist) are a great way to improve the appearance of your handles. Here are some useful exercises (that along with a sensible low-fat diet) will help you shift that love handles:

The Trunk Twist

How to Lose Love Handles Fast in 1 Week at Home

  1. You need to be standing with your feet shoulder-length apart.
  2. Your hands should be placed in front of you with your palms facing away from you (as if you were pushing someone away).
  3. Twist your trunk to the left, until your hands and head are facing the other way, now twist your trunk slowly to the right and repeat up to 10 times for each set.

The Lying Twist

how to lose love handles fast in 1 week guys

  1. Lie on your back with your hands down by your sides and your palms flat on the floor.
  2. Raise legs upward to almost a 90-degree angle from your body, but keep them bent slightly.
  3. Lower legs to the left until your outer thigh touches the floor, before bringing them back and doing the same on the right side. Repeat 8-12 times on each side. 

The Oblique Crunch

exercises for love handles without equipment

  1. Lie on the floor with your hands behind your head and your legs bent. Lift your right shoulder blade off the ground and move your elbow towards your left knee, this creates a powerful twisting motion.
  2. Slowly return to the starting position and repeat with the opposite shoulder blade. Repeat 10 -12 times on each side.

Exercises for love handles without equipment: Use these exercises to help get rid of love handles along with other great fat-burning activities such as running, cycling, step aerobics, and swimming. Combine with a healthy eating plan and you could be saying goodbye to your love handles forever.

Exercise won’t get rid of love handles (directly), knowing how to eat properly will. Here’s why people get love handles, the role exercise plays in having/losing love handles, and the REAL way to get rid of love handles.

Why do people develop love handles?

  • Love handles are the result of a high body fat percentage. How high does body fat percentage have to be to develop love handles?
  • Depends. Different people develop love handles at different body fat percentages.
  • But what we can say for sure is that love handles are the result of higher body fat percentages.

What role does exercise play in having/losing love handles?

  • Like I said, the culprit we need to discuss is body fat.
  • When the body consumes more calories than it needs to maintain its everyday activities, it stores the excess energy as fat. How to Lose Love Handles Fast in 1 Week with Exercise at Home.
  • I’m pretty sure there are instances where ^this^ isn’t true, but for the most part, it is.
  • This speaks to a concept called an energy balance. Energy balance refers to the balance of energy you expend (through daily activity) and energy you consume (eating).
  • Gaining weight is (normally) the result of consuming too many calories.
  • Based on that, love handles are completely dependent on how many calories you’re consuming.

So where does exercise come into the equation?

  • Exercise burns more calories than you’d be burning sitting on the couch watching Netflix.
  • Exercise (any exercise) can help you reach an energy deficit (consuming fewer calories than you expend).
  • But no specific exercise will get rid of love handles.
  • Also, you can’t spot-reduce fat. In order to lose fat in one place, you’re going to have to lose fat all over.
  • *Clears throat* Please allow me to get back on my weight-lifting soapbox for a moment.

Lifting Weights Will Make Preventing Fat Gain Way Easier

In one study, more muscular men were found to burn around 350 more calories than people with less muscle while at rest. Meaning that while just sitting around, bodybuilders are burning way more fat than those with less muscle. How to Lose Love Handles Fast in 1 Week with Exercise at Home.

When comparing cardio directly to weight lifting for weight loss, a 12-year long study found that lifting was superior for weight loss to running.

And to anyone who may think that gaining the amount of muscle that would be necessary to make the above statements true would take years to build:

A group of researchers had elderly people weight train and for a total of 16 weeks. The elderly people were found to have a higher burn 8% more calories while at rest at the end of the study.

If you’d like to learn how to lift weights properly (based on science) check out my personal website → Wilfredo Fitness

The One Way to Lose Love Handles for Sure

Learning how to manipulate your caloric intake.

You have to eat fewer calories than you consume. We already established that, but how do you actually do it? How to Lose Love Handles Fast in 1 Week with Exercise at Home.

Here’s how in 4 easy steps.

  1. Buy a food scale (you’re going to need it).
  2. Use this calculator to determine the number of calories you need to consume.
  3. When you eat, measure the food on the food scale. Use the serving size on the back of the food package to determine how many calories are in each serving.
  4. Write down how many calories you consume for each meal. But, don’t go over the number of calories you’re supposed to be eating that day.

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