My Bum is Flat How Do I Make It Bigger - How to Get Rid of My Flat Bum

My Bum is Flat How Do I Make It Bigger

My Bum is Flat How Do I Make It Bigger? The butt can be one of the most troublesome areas for women. Everyone wants a firm, round, and lifted butt, but not everyone knows exactly how to get one. Well, look no further! The routine below has specific exercises that target the butt with 5 foolproof moves to a more shapely backside. So get ready to reshape your butt with these 5 Butt Defining Moves.

My Bum is Flat How Do I Make It Bigger

How to Get Rid of My Flat Bum

Here Is The ”Secret” of How to Get Rid of My Flat Bum 

The “ Toned” look that we all desire is a result of increased muscle mass, and decreased body fat. Our muscles usually have to get BIGGER to achieve this look. In this article, I am going to share some of my views on how to get that athletic, yet “ Feminine” figure that so many of us are after.

Here are my three key principles for looking strong, athletic, and yes, like a woman!

  1. Maximize your shoulder to waist ratio. For those that have teeny-tiny waistlines, this could be very simple. Maybe just training deltoids first in your schedule is all that is needed. For those of us that are not 24″” or less in the waist, this might take quite some effort. I feel deltoids MUST be trained first, very hard, and frequently to get the desired look. Back width also plays a big role in making the waist seem smaller than it really is, so it is a close second. Keep in mind that this part of it is exactly the same as what a bodybuilder would try to do, so one shouldn’t get caught thinking they have to do “” Girl”” exercises, or feel restrained from doing heavyweights. I have personally been as high as 55 lb dumbbells for both overhead presses and laterals trying to get my delts to grow. I also don’t understand why most females don’t strive to do wide grip chin-ups, other than they are hard. Don’t shy away from hard heavy exercises for delts and back. My Bum is Flat How Do I Make It Bigger?“ We are not going to get those perky round glutes by doing leg kickbacks and butt squeezes!”
  2. Pump up that butt! How many women have said in the same breath “” I don’t want my butt to get any bigger, but I don’t like the way it sags.”” As a woman I can tell you they mean they don’t want their rear to get any”” Fatter””, and “” Bigger”” means “” Fatter”” in their minds. So many women have given in to the idea that it is just a genetic trait that can’t be changed. Well, guess what? Glutes are just like biceps – you guys out there know if you want impressive arms, you have to train progressively on certain exercises and force the muscles to develop. Girls, it’s the same for us. We are not going to get those perky round glutes by doing leg kickbacks and butt squeezes! We have to do exercises that allow for progression in weight and reps both. If you’ve been doing say walking lunges with no weight for the past year and still aren’t happy with the way things look from behind, you need more stimulation. Add some weight to the exercise and PROGRESS! You want the glutes to get bigger while simultaneously stripping the fat away. Have you ever seen a girl with a really tight butt and think it is still too big? Probably not. My Bum is Flat How Do I Make It Bigger? “I believe you are what you eat, and someone that eats 2000 calories of mostly protein, healthy fats, and complex carbs, will look much different than one that eats 2000 calories of crap-carbs and greasy fats.”  
  3. Control your body fat! I will admit that a woman who is 20% body fat with no muscle, looks smaller and better in clothes than one with the same amount of fat and much more muscle. To have that athletic look, most of us end up in the 12-15% range. I will cover in detail my methods of fat loss in upcoming articles, but in a nutshell, I will tell you to eat your protein and veggies. I believe you are what you eat, and someone that eats 2000 calories of mostly protein, healthy fats, and complex carbs, will look much different than one that eats 2000 calories of crap-carbs and greasy fats. I don’t believe it's about the numbers, it is about the quality of the foods. Cardio is also a key element in body fat reduction and control. This is where people differ the most I’ve found. Some women can get by with 20-30 minutes 3-4 times per week. I often have to do 6-7 days a week and usually for 45-60 minutes each time. I have trained some girls that have had to do double sessions 7 days a week to achieve 12% body fat. So go with what works for you and your body type.

Secret Guide on My Bum is Flat How Do I Make It Bigger 

How to Get Rid of My Flat Bum

Get ready to reshape your butt with these 5 Butt Defining Moves.

Equipment Needed: One set of dumbbells of medium weight (8-12 lbs); yoga mat or soft surface

What to Do: Complete 12 repetitions of each exercise. Perform the number of rounds as indicated for your fitness level. Complete each exercise one after the other with little to no rest in between. For optimal results, perform this workout two times per week on nonconsecutive days. Be sure to check out the videos on How to Get Rid of My Flat Bum to ensure that you’re using the proper form.

  • Beginner Level: Complete one round.
  • Intermediate Level: Complete two rounds.
  • Advanced Level: Complete four rounds.


  1. Plié Squats
  2. Side Lunge (12 reps each leg)
  3. Bird Dog (12 reps each leg)
  4. Dumbbell Deadlift
  5. Hip Extensions (12 reps each leg)

Tricks to make your Bum Make Bigger & Better

My Bum is Flat How Do I Make It Bigger? Do you want to increase your buttocks in a few minutes? Is it really possible? The way you dress greatly influences the size of your buttocks. Here are some fashion tricks you can follow to increase the size of the buttocks.

Adjust your waist: 

Having a small waist will create the illusion of having a big butt. It doesn't matter if your belly is big or not. Use a large or medium citron and adjust it to the smallest part of your waist. If you have an extra belly, then using a girdle will be very helpful since it pushes the excess fat you have inside. Use blouses of dark and solid colors to hide your belly as certain light colors highlight it.

Appropriate Pants: 

The right pants can make your butt look round and big. Always maintain your proper size as loose pants will only sink your curves which will hide your butt. The pockets also play a very important role because the small bolillos and above make your glutes stand out more. Therefore I recommend that you avoid jeans with large bags or those that do not.

High Heels: 

Heels can do a lot for you as they change the natural curve of the spine making your buttocks and bust look bigger.

Posture When Walking: 

The way your body walks can highlight your figure. As I mentioned before wearing heels can modify the posture but you don't need them to do this. Just follow the following image:

These tips give an almost instant solution to increase buttocks. But if what you want is to increase the buttocks naturally and wear the bikini on the beach you always wanted ... Then I recommend you do this: Exercise The first thing you should do is do some exercises that will help you make your buttocks bigger. The exercises you can do include doing leg presses, squats, lunges, and kicks back. Also, don't forget to do the abs. They will help you get the firm butt and help make your waist smaller.


How to Get Rid of My Flat Bum? Another thing that will help you make your butt bigger is to do cardio exercises. This includes going up and downstairs, running, aerobics, kickboxing, pilates and doing any other kind of gymnastics. This will help you make your buttocks bigger. Food The third thing you can do is eat healthy foods. This will help you tone and strengthen the muscles around the thighs and buttocks. It will also help you lose some fat around your hips. This will help give you a curvy look, which a lot of guys love in a woman. There is a solution to increase your buttocks! Discover How to Increase 3 Cms Of Your Buttocks In Only 1 Month Naturally!

Do not resort to surgery or pills!

In the market available some butt lifter shorts and you can buy, If unable to follows above tips.

My Bum is Flat How Do I Make It Bigger? I order to get a bigger butt, develop your glute muscle you must first figure out if your butt muscle is activated? Most people suffer from dormant butt syndrome. This means the butt muscle does not recruit its muscle fibers and most women will use their thigh muscles or work their lower back.

How Do I Get Rid of My Flat Bum 

There are many ways to make your butt look beautiful and perky. Once your goals are achieved for how you want your booty to look, you will not only look great and keep your heads turning your way, but you will feel amazing.

Consistency is key: 

If you don't stick to your plan to achieve the goals that you've set for yourself you will get nowhere.
What are you eating and how much: If you overeat and or eat fatty foods, you will definitely get results, just not the kind you are looking for. We need to cut out all fatty foods and sugary drinks. I personally know someone who lost 10 lbs when they stopped drinking soda and juices that were loaded with sugar. ”Healthy food doesn't have to be nasty food.”

Exercise Exercise Exercise: 

How to Get Rid of My Flat Bum? Some sort of activity that raises your heart rate is very necessary to burn calories and tone your body. I would suggest not just aiming to sculpt your butt but rather tone and create the body you always wanted. Trust me if you don't you'll be asking Quora, ”how to make your stomach flat” or ”why are my arms so flabby”.

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