2 Week Workout Plan to Gain Muscle at Home - No Equipment - No Gym

2 Week Workout Plan to Gain Muscle at Home

2 Week Workout Plan to Gain Muscle at Home: 2 weeks is a really short time to put on muscle, but it is possible depending on your training history.

2 Week Workout Plan to Gain Muscle at Home

Train for 1 hour, 4 times a week (2 days on, 1 day off with a lower/upper split) or 3 times a week (full body if you're a beginner). Keep your training dense and consistent. Recover properly by having a protein shake after you train, and start taking creatine.

Some people believe you need to load creatine, some say taking it daily has the same effect... which is true over a longer period. Since you only have 2 weeks, try taking 5g of creatine 4-5 times per day, for 5 days. Then continue with 5g per day. That alone will add weight, but it will be mostly water (it will still look like a muscle though).

Drink A LOT of water (preferably not with meals). Multiply your body weight in KG by 0.044... that's how many liters you should be getting every day.

Two Week Workout Plan to Gain Muscle at Home

2 Week Workout Plan to Gain Muscle at Home: Two weeks is hardly sufficient for visible gains. Start with water retention. Creatine Is a great supplement for retaining water in the muscles which will give you a very small amount of muscle weight in two weeks.

Outside of that, it takes months to see change. You’ll notice the change in your strength before you or anyone notices size gains.

It’s a marathon, not a race. Health first. You definitely want to avoid injury and overtraining.

As for specifics on training and nutrition, it's pretty hard to put it all here but stick to compound exercises always (squats, deadlifts, chins, dips) and their variations depending on structural balance and training level. 

You can start over with the simplest thing that you can do. That is doing bodyweight exercises like:

  • Push-ups
  • Pull-ups
  • Bodyweight squats
  • Running
  • Jump Ropes or Skipping
  • Planks

Try these for 2 weeks every day and surely will achieve some good results.

Here is the 3 Steps Workout Plan to Gain Muscle at Home

Step 1

Use whey protein. According to you should look to eat one to two grams of protein per pound of body weight per day. To maximize the benefits of protein use a whey protein supplement immediately following a workout. According to the whey protein institute, whey protein is a fast-absorbing protein that metabolizes quickly into your muscles providing them with branch chain amino acids that are used to repair and rebuild the damaged muscle endure from heavy lifting.

Step 2

Use Max-OT lifting principles. Utilize low rep counts of four but no more than six. The weight should be heavy enough that you can lift four times but cannot lift more than six. This amount of weight on every exercise will ensure that you sufficiently taxing the muscle group and forcing it to adapt to the stress placed on it from lifting something so heavy. Do only one or two body parts per exercise session and six to nine working sets in total per body part.

Step 3

Rest enough between sets. When training with such heavyweight allow yourself longer rest periods of two to three minutes between each set to let your natural phosphocreatine level get back to a level that will allow you to lift the heavyweight again. If you rush the workout you will be shortcoming your ability to lift the heavyweight again.

2 Week Workout Plan to Gain Muscle No Equipment

2 Week Workout Plan to Gain Muscle at Home: If You are Beginner or Not that Much familiar With Workouts Then 2 Weeks is Like Nothing you won’t get any results because Scientifically Our body gets adapts to new things in 4–6 weeks and here you are aiming to gain muscle in less than adaption time which is next to impossible and I don’t understand why you just wants to workout for a week in spite having Goal of MUSCLE GAINING, See If you want to lose fat then there is a different story because slightly if you manipulate your diet and Familiar with workout having knowledge of strength training and Cardiovascular activity Losing fat Becomes the easiest part of Fitness but If you want to gain muscles it will take time and time in the sense years I Don’t know how and basically it depends on your Lifestyle, Diet, Workout and mainly Genetics So Devote your time to fitness for yourself and During all this, you need to have patience…And Admit it You are If you’re unhealthy or Not having a good shape of Your Body it does happen in 2–3 weeks it took years You kept eating junks and may skip the gym or Any Other activity which burn calories and Here you want something good in 2 weeks not possible.

I think You Maybe having a meeting or something after two weeks I can understand but don’t keep false Hope. I would suggest Better Do Some Other activity Like Walk, Job, Run, etc… May this thing will help you to lose stored fat so you may become visible.

2 Week Workout Plan to Gain Muscle without Going to Gym

2 Week Workout Plan to Gain Muscle at Home: You need to eat a TON I mean a TON. Way more than you'd expect. And you need to be lifting heavy multiple times throughout the week. If your diet and training are on the same level as the pros you should be able to add 1lb a week at least, maybe more if your 17-25-year-old male.

Here is the Video Tutorial for 2 Week Workout Plan to Gain Muscle at Home

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