How to Lose Weight and Tone Up without Going to the Gym - In 4 Weeks

How to Lose Weight and Tone Up without Going to the Gym

How to Lose Weight and Tone Up without Going to the Gym? You can definitely bring down your weight without actually hitting the gym. But to do that follow these 10 pieces of advice. However, I’ll segregate my 10 points on the basis of FOOD & LIFESTYLE.

How to Lose Weight and Tone Up without Going to the Gym


  • Be punctual of your eating time. Be it breakfast, lunch, or dinner you need to have your food in a timely routine.
  • Start your day with a cup of green tea followed by a fiber-rich breakfast like corn flakes, oats, fruits such as mango, or an apple.
  • Always carry with you some almonds, so that you may munch them whenever you feel hungry. This would also help you to avoid other alternates like the namkeens or sweets or any fried foods like pakora and samosa. Almonds have been proved to be very rich in vitamin E and are considered very effective for weight loss diets.
  • Always follow this thumb rule while having your breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Your breakfast should be proportionately larger than your lunch followed by your dinner. The lighter you go with the dinner better it is for your body.
  • Try consuming dinner 1.5–2 hrs prior to going to bed.

  • Try to avoid smoking and drinking as they could lead to obesity. Also consuming a lot of nicotine could hamper your sleeping hours (7–8 hrs is necessary) which could eventually lead to weight gain.
  • Try to be a morning person. Wake up early, put on your jogging shoes, and go for a 2–3 km run. However if your medical condition does not allow you to jog or run, at least go for a walk every morning.
  • Running. It is one of the greatest tools for a perfect body. Everyday running helps you to improve your body immunity, focus better, gives you sharper memory, helps you indigestion, keeps at bay many ailments like gastric, body pain, fatigue.(This is a tested and verified statement. I have been running for the last 1.5 yr and I am definitely enjoying all the above benefits.)
  • Apart from running try other cardio exercises like stretching, sit-ups. These exercises could be easily done inside the comfort of your home.
  • Before going to bed for sleep, try to go for a leisurely walk for 10–20 mins. This not only helps in digestion but also improves your sleep.
  • I have been following the above habits for the last couple of years and this has brought down my weight from 107 kg to 67 kg. Hope it does wonder to you as well.

NB: Never bring down your diet drastically or starve yourself as doing so could hamper your health in the long run. Rather follow a strict diet regime and work on it gradually.

How to Lose Weight and Tone Up in 4 Weeks

How to Lose Weight and Tone Up in 4 Weeks? The gym really is your ultimate frenemy. You love it for that unbeatable post-gym high that leads to bigger muscles, better energy, and a self-satisfied feeling. But you also kind of hate it for the sheer effort it takes to go, not to mention the guilt that follows if you get off track.

Here are 10 non-gym techniques that will help you shed pounds.

1. Hit snooze every once in a while

While it may seem imperative that you wake up early for a long run, it turns out that a lack of sleep directly leads to weight gain. Michael Breus, Ph.D., and author of The Sleep Doctor’s Diet Plan, says just 30 minutes of sleep loss could make you more likely to gain weight.

Less sleep means high levels of the stress hormone cortisol, which increases your appetite. In a study from the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, sleep-deprived participants ate an average of 300 more calories per day.

2. Get your ‘om’ on

Go to sans gym with your weight loss regimen and begin meditating. Why? Resetting your brain helps your body become more chemically balanced. According to Art of Living, “excessive weight gain and weight loss are sometimes outcomes of hormonal imbalances in the body. Meditation helps restore that harmony in the system so that if you are overweight, you lose pounds.”

3. Focus on the food

As a general rule of thumb, weight loss is based on 75% diet and 25% exercise. Rather than tormenting yourself over a skipped workout, focus on eating less and eating healthy. “You can’t out-exercise a bad diet,” Shawn M. Talbott, Ph.D., a nutritional biochemist and former director of the University of Utah Nutrition Clinic, told O, The Oprah Magazine.

“[M]ore than 700 weight loss studies found that people see the biggest short-term results when they eat smart … It’s much easier to cut calories than to burn them off,” he added.

4. Vary your activity

You may have convinced yourself that unless you’ve adopted a fail-proof gym routine, you can’t get fit. It’s time to ditch this misconception. Mail On Sunday reports your body naturally finds the most efficient way to move. The more varied your exercise routine, the better your body will respond and the faster the weight will fall off.

5. Find a sweat session that’s a bit social

Keep your workouts social with team sports or an outdoor jogging buddy. Really, if team sports can be beneficial for kids, shouldn’t they work for adults as well?

How to Lose Weight and Tone Up without Going to the Gym? The answer here is yes, as Experience Life educates us.”On the field of play, you’ll be moving not just forward and back or up and down, but side to side, on the diagonal, and twisting in two directions. This results in a deeper, more varied functional fitness,” the publication says.

6. Make water your go-to drink

Appetite and thirst are regulated through the same part of the brain, leading you to think you’re hungry when you really just need a glass of water. Beat the confusion by drinking a glass of water and waiting 15 to 20 minutes to see if your hunger vanishes.

Not only is water the cure for unnecessary snacking, but a study, shared by Time, also found drinking 16 ounces of water before every meal assists in weight loss.

7. Do resistance training at home

The gym offers a lot of equipment that isolates a single muscle group (like biceps). However, bodyweight resistance training (think push-ups, planks, and lunges) builds several muscle groups at once, which work together to create functional strength and power.

Using your weight to build strength and do higher reps allows you to get leaner faster. Plus, you can perform bodyweight exercises anywhere and anytime, eliminating the need for a pricey gym membership.

8. Go easy on the happy hour menu

It comes as no surprise that happy hour with coworkers and friends is bad for your weight-loss goals. While working out with others is a, yes, the same can’t always be said about eating and drinking in a large company. “When we eat with other people, we consume, on average, 44% more food than we do when dining alone,” Eat This, Not That! tells us.

9. Recognize what stresses you out

Life will throw you constant curveballs and leave you feeling overwhelmed. Those feelings can manifest into anxiety, and if there’s one thing that kills a weight loss regimen, it’s stress. “[C]hemical responses in the body from stress can bring weight loss to a halting grind,” Livestrong says.

Remember the meditation we suggested? Get to it.

10. Give yourself a cheat day

When you are a routine gym-goer, a “cheat day” might be skipping a visit. Follow the same pattern with your diet, too. Depriving yourself of rest or those guilt-inducing foods can have the opposite effect on your weight loss. As HuffPost explains, “if you deprive yourself, it has been shown by studies that this deprivation is linked to cravings and overeating.”

So go ahead and rejoice, because taking a day to relax your muscles or eat a couple slices of pizza is OK.

Here are the four Easy Steps to Lose Weight and Tone Up in 4 Weeks

How to Lose Weight and Tone Up without Going to the Gym? Losing weight requires you to burn more calories than you consume. A pound of fat is equal to 3,500 calories. Losing one to two pounds per week is a safe and effective approach to weight loss. Therefore, you can lose up to 32 pounds in four months by eating a well-balanced diet that's coupled with exercise. A gym membership is not a necessity to getting in shape and losing weight.

Step 1

Revamp your diet. Reduce your daily caloric intake by 500 calories. Stay away from high-fat foods, such as chips, cookies, pastries, and candy; these foods carry very little nutrition. Instead, eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. Drink eight to 10 glasses of water per day.

Step 2

Consume five to six small meals per day. Eating smaller portions more frequently boosts your metabolism and keeps you feeling full. Cut veggies and hummus or low-fat yogurt with a banana are healthy snack choices.

Step 3

Perform cardiovascular exercise to burn calories and fat. The Centers for Disease Control recommends 60 to 90 minutes of moderate-intensity cardiovascular exercise five days per week. Go for a bike ride or run outside. Consider purchasing equipment for your house, such as a treadmill, elliptical machine, or stationary bike.

Step 4

Engage in resistance training three days per week. Resistance training builds lean muscle. The more muscle you have, the more calories you burn throughout the day. Use dumbbells, a stability ball, or resistance bands. If you do not have these, performing bodyweight exercises are also effective. Exercises like squats, lunges, chest press, pushups, biceps curls, triceps dips, and situps are all exercises you can perform at home.


Allow at least one day of rest in between strength training workouts to let your muscles recover.


How to Lose Weight and Tone Up In 4 Weeks? Check with your healthcare provider before beginning an exercise program for the first time or if you have been away from fitness programs for a while, or if you have any chronic health issues.

Here are Few More Tips to Lose Weight and Tone Up without Going to the Gym

How to Lose Weight and Tone Up without Going to the Gym? Losing weight is usually 70% diet and 30% exercise, and gymming is not a necessary condition for one to lose weight.

  • To start with, watch out for your diet. Cut down on refined flour, sugar, white rice, alcohol, soda, processed food, or any kind of fast food that is loaded with empty calories and provides almost nil nutrition. Also, cut down on excess salt to avoid bloating.
  • Increase your protein intake since the body burns more calories while digesting it, and keep a check on the levels of other nutrients. Keep up the levels of calcium and vitamins for healthy weight loss. Complete elimination of carbs is not required.
  • There’s no need to obsess over your daily calorie intake instead, the focus must be on nutrition. However, note that too much intake of healthy food may backfire! Have smaller meals spread across the day.
  • Don’t skip breakfast! Have a light and early dinner. Fit in green tea between meals and after dinner to feel light and energetic.
  • Don’t fall prey to fad diets like the GM diet, paleo, keto, no carb diets, and others alike. These diets are not effective in the long run and lead to nutrient intolerances. And given, our Indian genes, they aren’t physiologically favorable or feasible.
  • To start with, you can burn extra calories in a day by tracking your daily steps and setting realistic targets based on your daily activity level. Apps like SHealth and Myfitnesspal are of great help.
  • You can start off your day with a brisk walk/run to amp up your energy levels.
  • As and when you get accustomed to physical activity, try taking up circuit workouts that are a great combination of cardio and bodyweight exercises. These workouts are quick and cause actual calorie and muscle burn. You could follow PopSugar fitness, Emily Skye’s videos on youtube or get a copy of Kayla Itsines’ guide (ebook).
  • Yoga and meditation can be included in your routine since it is one of the most effective ways to keep up with your health in terms of both, physical and mental wellness. Suryananamaskar is a tried and tested way to lose weight as one set burn 10–14 calories!
  • Finally, be positive and love your body! Be proud of yourself at every stage of progress. Set realistic goals and be confident.
  • Most importantly, lose weight only if your main goal is to get healthy and not to fit into the conventional standards of being attractive. After all, all bodies are beautiful :). 

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