How Can a 12 Year Old Lose Belly Fat in a Week - Lose Belly Fat for 12 Year Olds at Home

How Can a 12 Year Old Lose Belly Fat in a Week

How Can a 12 Year Old Lose Belly Fat in a Week? There are more and more overweight and obese children in Denmark. It is not just a development that is seen in Denmark, but also in other countries that we compare ourselves with, such as the USA and England. In Asian and African countries, too, there is a similar tendency for the proportion of overweight children to increase.

How Can a 12 Year Old Lose Belly Fat in a Week

How to Lose Belly Fat for 12 Year Olds at Home

There are only a few data on how many obese children there are in Denmark. This is partly because no central reporting of height and weight is made from the school surveys. However, a relatively recently published study found a large increase in the incidence of overweight and obesity in 14-16-year-old children over the last approximately 25 years. In 1971-72, five to six per cent of children were overweight or obese. This figure had risen to just over 15 per cent in 1996-97.

What are obesity and overweight in Kids?

Obesity is a condition in which the amount of fat in the body is increased to such an extent that it has consequences for health. Overweight and obesity are determined or measured by relating to the child's weight and height, both height with age and weight with height. You can calculate the child's overweight percentage, or you can determine the child's BMI value and compare the value of the child's previous growth curve or BMI curve with the current value. It can also be useful to measure and follow the baby's circumference around the abdomen and anybody fat content.

Consequences of being an overweight child

There are many consequences to being an overweight child. The risk of continuing to be fat as an adult is great. When you are overweight, you increase your risk of:

  • Get high cholesterol and blood pressure and thus cardiovascular disease.
  • Develop type 2 diabetes (seen especially in children with other ethnic origins than Danish such as Pakistani, Indian or Arab descent).
  • Get gallstones and fatty liver.
  • Develop asthma and sleep apnea.
  • Have musculoskeletal problems, including joint pain and flat feet.
  • Experience hormonal disorders - and for example, go earlier in puberty than usual.
  • Being plagued by psychological problems such as eating disorders, low self-esteem and depression.
  • Get social problems like loneliness, isolation as well as being exposed to teasing and bullying.

That is why overweight and obese children need to lose weight.

Why do children become overweight?

How Can a 12 Year Old Lose Belly Fat in a Week: There are many reasons why one sees more and more overweight and obese children. An important explanation is that children are hereditarily predisposed to obesity, but this factor alone cannot explain the epidemic-like increase in obesity that is seen. The development of obesity is also affected by a wide range of lifestyle and societal factors. What we are experiencing in these years is that more of the children who are predisposed to obesity are developing obesity because of their lifestyle. Often it is an interplay between the children moving less and too little, sitting more at the computer and with PC games and watching television at the same time as the children eat too much and wrong. Too many children consume too many high-calorie and nutrient-poor foods and drinks such as fast food and sodas and in return receive only modest amounts of fruit and vegetables.

In many cases, the food is also of poor quality. This may be because the family's interest in and time for healthy cooking is modest, and the family, therefore, makes quick fixes regarding the food. The cause of obesity can also be due to the children comforting eating or eating in secret.

There is often an interplay between the child having a hard time and either eating too much or too unhealthy. Whether it is too much food that makes the child have a hard time or vice versa, is not always so easy to figure out.

Good eating habits - for the whole family

Children benefit from learning what healthy food is and growing up with healthy food both at home and in institutions and schools. The official dietary advice applies to both obese children and their families. Children can in principle be offered a diet by the family from the age of one. That is, if the child grows as it should and has done so in the first year of life, then you can gradually switch to ordinary skim milk, such as skimmed or skimmed milk. Also, the child should be offered the family food, which should very much follow the healthy dietary recommendations and include:
  • fruit and vegetables
  • fish
  • coarse bread and groats
  • staple foods such as potatoes, rice or pasta
  • lean meat
  • dairy products and water.

Sugar and products added to refined sugar such as sweets, cake, biscuits, etc., children should only get a minimum of.

Remember the breakfast - and the snacks

It is often seen that overweight children rarely eat breakfast. The lunch or packed lunch is also not always a success - at least rarely in the large classes - and many overweight children thus tend to "throw themselves over the fridge" when they come home in the afternoon. It is therefore important that children eat solid main meals, but they should also be offered solid healthy snacks. It often comes naturally when the children are in the nursery and kindergarten, where bread and fruit are often offered in the morning and afternoon. However, even older children should have a healthy afternoon meal so that they avoid falling into sweet treats before dinner.

Tips for healthy snacks

Healthy snacks can, for example, be sliced ​​fresh fruit along with various vegetable snacks. Coarse crispbread, rye bread or coarse bread or a wholemeal bun can also be a good idea. The cold cuts can consist of lean cold cuts, eggs, lean cream cheese or fish such as mackerel in tomato and cod roe. Also, it is important to have green accessories - such as tomato, pepper or cucumber as a garnish on the food or as a raw snack, raw food or salad next to it. A small bowl of lean yoghurt with healthy muesli or oatmeal with skim milk and raisins can also be an option.

Weight loss requires active efforts from the child and parents

How Can a 12 Year Old Lose Belly Fat in a Week: Many families may be a little apprehensive about being overweight, and therefore it is often a professional therapist such as a general practitioner or school health nurse who brings the topic to the forefront for the first time. However, professional therapists can also be "touch anxiety", but rather because they may not know what to line up, as it is well known that many treatment options have not had a sufficient effect.

It is important that the families themselves understand why the children should lose weight, and that they are also motivated to make an effort. It is especially in the cases where the whole family participates in the child's weight loss, ie where both mother and father participate in the conversations, that the effect is greatest. All too often, children and families meet up with a dietitian without having given enough thought to why they have been referred and what effort they should make themselves. Some people want a ready-made recipe for how they can do it, but still do not feel that it is enough to have an actual diet plan.

For the child to succeed in losing weight, one must look at the family's daily dietary habits. If the family is not used to eating and preparing healthy food, then the work of changing the habits of the whole family is of great importance.

Many children and families need permanent support - often for a long time. Experience from treatment courses shows that as long as you have a contact, you typically achieve that the children's weight loss is maintained, or that the weight gain is at least limited. As soon as you "let go" of the follow-up conversations, you can, unfortunately, see that the children find it easier to get back on track. This shows that there is a lifelong behaviour change, and it is thus of great importance that families approach the healthy diet gradually in line with their tolerance of the new food.

At the same time, children must be brought up for physical activity rather than the more inactive forms of activity such as computers and television. By trying different sports or physical activity options, children become familiar with their motor skills and the experience of moving. Hopefully, they will find joy in some form of activity that they can cultivate - also in the long run.

Finally, a healthy circadian rhythm is also important. A good night's sleep can help the child to maintain his weight more easily.

When fat teens need to lose weight

With older teenage children, it is important to get them to see the importance of weight loss, so that they too can help formulate how they can do it. Also, it is important to focus on what benefits they gain by losing weight. Often, overweight teens want to be able to buy smart fashion clothes like their peers. To motivate them to a weight loss, it is important to keep them in the reason why they want to lose weight.

However, it is also important that the parents are involved and backs up with healthy shopping, food preparation and so on.

Parents must set the framework for children's health

When it comes to smaller children, parents should set the framework for the food - that is, what kind of food is bought at home, how the food is prepared, how much food the child gets, and how often it should be offered sweet treats and treats. In this connection, it is important that the parents understand their role and that children and parents make some clear agreements about the food.

Measures that can help the overweight child

How Can a 12 Year Old Lose Belly Fat in a Week: If there is no tradition of healthy food in the family, practical cooking classes can be a great addition so that the children and families can see and taste what healthy food can be. Here is the opportunity to push them a little in terms of tasting something new and preparing their favourite dishes in a new way.

You can also introduce "appointment forms", where the child can, for example, write down the agreements you have made about food and activity. Here the child can put "Smileys", "ticks" or similar when it has eaten or moved as agreed.

Lose Belly Fat for 12 Year Olds at Home: Ongoing follow-ups with a clinical dietitian, school health nurse, psychologist or general practitioner with an interest in the subject can also be an option, just as in many municipalities there are various offers for obese children and their families.

When a child needs to lose weight, it is also important to involve other people who are thought to be a resource for the child. For example, it can be siblings, grandparents or other family members, teachers and sports teachers, leisure schemes and sports clubs who can support the child along the way.

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