How to Lose Weight After 3 Months of Delivery | Giving Birth

How to Lose Weight After 3 Months of Delivery

How to Lose Weight After 3 Months of Delivery

How to Lose Weight After 3 Months of Delivery: The female body goes through significant changes to grow and give birth to a baby. It takes time for the body and the belly, in particular, to recover from pregnancy. One must understand that the uterus takes six to eight weeks to shrink back to its pre-pregnancy size so that the tummy can take a lot longer. Patience is of the essence – remember the skin around the abdomen becomes flabby and has fat reserves. It is not easy to lose postpartum weight, but it is not impossible either. It takes time, but it will happen if you eat right and exercise.

How to Lose Weight After 3 Months of Giving Birth

How to Lose Weight After 3 Months of Giving Birth? It is imperative to know to lose weight after delivery what to expect when you start to exercise on a regular basis. Losing weight after giving birth is not that difficult.

It is best to start slowly but once you are able to perform the exercise regularly, you can increase your intensity to a certain level. You may be surprised by the results.

Losing weight is essential because you will feel tired all the time. Your metabolism will be slowed down and you will not be able to lose as much weight as you would have if you have been eating right.

Rapid Weight Loss After Pregnancy 

How to Start

Rapid weight loss after having a baby: Losing a postpartum belly after childbirth can be extremely challenging. The time one may take to get back to their pre-pregnancy shape depends on several factors, such as weight and shape before conception, importance gained during pregnancy, physical activity during pregnancy, and simply genetics. The following pointers can help with your general well-being and also help you get back into shape and lose the extra flab on your tummy:

Eat Healthily:

  • First and foremost, eat a balanced diet each day.
  • Eat foods high in protein, such as cheese, meat, fish, yogurt, and milk. Protein-rich foods are essential to help you recover from childbirth and keep your body strong. They also help increase the milk supply for breastfeeding mothers.
  • Include nuts and dry fruits into your diet. These are essential given the large number of vitamins and nutrition that they contain.
  • Ensure to eat your vegetables and fruits. Vegetables and fruits have minerals and vitamins that keep you healthy.
  • Limit your caffeine intake. Caffeine with sugar adds empty calories.
  • Last but not least, if not possible to stop completely, at least limit the intake of junk food!

Stay Hydrated:

Your body needs a lot of fluid, especially if you are breastfeeding your baby. Water helps transport all the nutrients in your body and keeps your metabolism rate at its best. Thus, staying hydrated can help you lose excess fat in your body.

Consume at least 8 – 10 glasses of fluids each day.

You can consume water, milk, coconut water, fresh lemonade, green tea, fresh fruit juices in limited quantities.

What is some easy exercise to reduce weight after delivery?

Walking: Exercise to reduce weight after delivery, Walking is an excellent exercise as it puts minimal stress on your body while helping you burn calories. You can set your baby in a stroller and walk too– the baby gets some fresh air while you get your exercise. Try walking briskly for about 20-30 minutes each day or at least three times a week. Start slowly, and you can gradually build up your stamina, pace, as well as your duration.

Pelvic tilt: Pelvic tilts strengthen your abdominal muscles. Lie on your back with your knees bent. Flatten your back by tightening your abdominal muscles and bending your pelvis up slightly. Hold for up to 10 seconds. Repeat five times and then slowly build up to 10 to 20 repetitions.

Kegel exercise: Exercise to reduce weight after baby, exercise that tones your pelvic floor muscles, which support the bladder, uterus, rectum, and small intestine. Contract your pelvic floor muscles as if you are trying to stop urinating midway. Hold for up to 10 seconds and release, and relax for 10 seconds between each contraction. Try at least three sets of 10 repetitions a day. The best part about this is that you can do this exercise anytime, while eating, watching TV, and even lying down.

Jogging: Exercise to reduce weight after giving birth, A light jog can do wonders for your body. Try jogging lightly for at least 20 minutes a day. You can gradually increase the duration and speed once you are comfortable.

Dancing: Exercise to reduce weight after delivery, even if you cannot visit the nightclub for some time, there is no reason for you to stop dancing! Strap your baby into a sling, put on some music, and let your hair down in the living room. Your baby will love it, while you will get the benefits of weight-bearing exercise (great for bone health), and this is an excellent form of de-stressing too.

Quickest Way to Lose Weight After Having a Baby

Quickest Way to Lose Weight After Having a Baby: Every mother will ask themselves how they will lose weight after giving birth to their child. You will learn some free basic ways on how to lose weight after giving birth.

Are you tired, unhappy about your appearance, emotional? Your clothes don't fit? Your friends are passing comments about your newfound weight more than your child?

Don't worry, you will learn some simple tricks, just follow the basic guidelines.

3 Golden Rules to Follow


If you are truly serious about losing weight, then you are 75% ahead of every other mother trying to lose those extra pounds.
By being serious helps to keep you motivated and sticking to your plan


By eating smaller portions, your body can naturally burn off the food you have eaten. This means that you won't be adding the weight you have already gained.
Eat 5 healthier side plate portions a day and try not to snack, rather have some fruit if you feel hungry

3. You should EXERCISE -

How to lose weight after pregnancy while breastfeeding: Do not go and run a marathon or do an iron man race. Set yourself goals of pushing the pram around the block 3 times a week. Take it slow as it took you 9 months to add the extra weight, it will be very unhealthy to lose it too fast Losing too fast will be bad for you, you get stretch marks as your skin won't be able to contract naturally. It is also bad as you will be breastfeeding your baby and you won't have all the nutrients

TIP - Measure your chest, thighs, stomach, and hips once a week. (Weight is not necessarily fat, it is also a muscle) You can weigh yourself. Weigh yourself once a week on the same scale, same time every week. Don't get too excited about the weight as you might lose some muscle and no fat, OR you might gain muscle and lose a bit of fat.

What you will gain

You will gain a healthier body, you will look and feel better, and will start enjoying the old you. You gain a flatter stomach, better thighs, and learn self-discipline along the way. It was mentioned that it was simple, yes, but not easy. Here is a famous quote that will keep you going "in order for things to change, you have to change".

This might help, visualize what you want to look like and get a picture of that person. Take the picture and put it where you will be able to see it every day for inspiration.


  • I don't have time - Simple, rule 1, if you are serious and really want to, you will make time
  • I have tried this before and it didn't work - Try it again and stick to you plan you have set out. All diets work, it's the person that will make it or break it
  • When must I start - NOW, go to rule 1, don't leave things for Monday
  • How to lose weight after pregnancy is the same as losing weight in any other situation in life. Be serious and stick to your plan.

6 Post Pregnancy Weight Loss Tips That Actually Work!

Motherhood brings with it many joys…but it also brings along with it unavoidable weight gain!

How to Lose Weight After 3 Months of Delivery? Pregnancy weight gain can be frustrating to deal with but ignoring it is not a solution. Remember, the longer you wait, the harder it will be to lose weight. The best way to lose weight is to make some subtle, yet effective changes to your daily diet and lifestyle. Follow these simple post-pregnancy weight loss tips to shedding off those extra kilos!

Eat on time

Keep a specific time for consuming your meals & stick to it! Remember to eat within half an hour of waking up & avoid heavy meals at least an hour before going to bed.

Stay hydrated

Keep yourself hydrated. This will help detox your system and aid in natural weight loss. Drink 6-8 glasses of water daily & load up on fresh, unsweetened fruit & vegetable juices.

Fancy Fenugreek

Fenugreek is a weight loss superfood that triggers fat breakdown and curbs hunger. Add fenugreek seeds & leaves to your food dishes to enjoy its weight loss benefits.

Snack on this!

Avoid snacking on processed food and unhealthy snacks. Instead opt for healthy snack options such as barley, nuts, dry fruits, and seeds. They are wholesome and low in calories.

Less is more

Eat smaller portions of food but eat at frequent intervals. Ensure your daily meals have the right amount of healthy fats, proteins, carbs & most importantly veggies!

Get fresh!

How to Lose Weight After 3 Months of Delivery: Fresh fruits and vegetables are a powerhouse of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. Consume 4-5 fruits or vegetables daily. They detox your system, aid digestion & help you lose weight naturally.

Most women lose an average of about 6 kgs during childbirth — this includes the weight of the baby, placenta, and amniotic fluid. But, the stored fat during pregnancy won’t disappear on its own. Along with feeding exclusively on the breast for the first 6 months, you will need the right guidance to create a healthy weight loss routine post-birth.

Here are a Few Practical Tips to Losing Weight After Baby

1. Set Realistic Weight Loss Goals | Don’t Be Impatient

You would have probably heard the saying, 'Nine months on, nine months off.' Research has also shown that the average time to lose pregnancy weight gain can exceed a year. It can take a year or two to return to your pre-pregnancy body.

For many women, pregnancy invites lasting changes in the body. There are possibilities of developing wider hips, a softer belly, and a larger waistline. It is essential to stay patient and have realistic goals to return to pre-pregnancy shape.

It also depends on the weight gained during pregnancy; realistically, you can expect to lose around 4.5 kg over the next 1-2 years. If you gained more weight, you might end up a few pounds heavier than you were before getting pregnant.

2. No Crash Dieting | Eat Healthily

How to Lose Weight After 3 Months of Delivery? Crash dieting means being on a very low-calorie diet. This might help you lose a large amount of weight quickly, but it is an unhealthy way to do so.

Your body requires a fair amount of nutrients after delivering a baby. A low-calorie diet will probably make you feel dull & tired. When breastfeeding, you require an additional 500-600 kcal compared to the other women. Not meeting this can lower your breast milk production and further cause nutritional deficiencies in your newborn. You need to follow a healthy diet that can provide you with the essential nutrients.

3. Switch to healthy eating

Never miss your breakfast

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Try to include nutrient-dense meals like a veggie omelet, moong dal khakhra, sprouts salads, and other energy-packed foods to kick-start your day. Skipping breakfast will make you feel dull and tired throughout the day.

Eat fiber and protein-rich foods

Healthy options include peanut butter sandwiches, boiled eggs, tomato-carrot soup, and many more.

Opt for whole fruit instead of fruit juice

Do not miss out on the goodness of fiber that comes with the whole fruit and not with the juice. Also, whole fruits help you stay full for long.

Have small recurrent meals
Eat 5-6 meals throughout the day instead of 3 heavy meals.

4. Sleep and rest properly

This might seem to be a challenging task with the little one wanting you 24/7. But lack of sleep can negatively affect your weight loss goals.

Research shows that the lack of sleep is related to retaining more weight after pregnancy. Thus, try your best to get at least 6-7 hours of sleep every night.

5. Stay physically active

Do not be in a rush to start high-intensity workouts immediately after delivery. Consult your doctor, and based on your overall health, start your routine.

How to Lose Weight After 3 Months of Delivery? Ideally, you should wait for at least six weeks or until you feel that you've recovered to perform exercises. Don't go for hardcore exercises initially. Begin gradually by doing easy yoga poses and taking a walk or doing easy stretches.

The postpartum weight loss journey differs for every woman and it is not at all about working out more and eating less. It is essential to understand the smart way to achieve weight loss after childbirth and at the same time, promote your lifelong well-being.

Weight gain and obesity are normal during pregnancy. Many people find it difficult to lose weight after childbirth. But the truth is, with a little awareness, it is possible to lose weight quickly and easily after the birth of a child and get back to your previous shape and weight and stay fit and healthy.

A crash diet cannot be done to lose excess weight during pregnancy. This will harm both the mother and the child. Instead, you need to exercise regularly and keep your eating habits right.

How to Lose Weight After Pregnancy While Breastfeeding

How to Lose Weight After 3 Months of Giving Birth? Up to 6 months after birth, the baby is breastfed. Breastfeeding a baby consumes 200 to 500 calories a day from the mother's body. The baby should be breastfed as many times as he wants. Which helps in weight loss. However, the idea that breastfeeding a baby requires the mother to eat more calories than she needs is wrong. Calories should be taken as advised by the doctor.


How to Lose Weight After 3 Months of Delivery? Many people forget about themselves while giving more time to their children. Do not drink while exercising. Which causes weight gain. Exercise does not only reduce weight. It also helps in providing peace of mind. Exercise for a short time every day. It can be started by walking for 20 minutes at first.

Then increase the walking time to 5 minutes per week. In addition to regular walking, swimming and yoga are also very effective in losing weight. Exercise should start at least one and a half months after normal delivery and 2 months after cesarean delivery. You must wear loose clothing when exercising.

Weight loss will be followed by fatigue and constant tiredness. If you exercise regularly for at least 2 to 3 months, you will gradually start losing weight. Before you start exercising, you must consult a doctor and find out what kind of exercise is suitable for you.

Keep eating habits right

How to Lose Weight After 3 Months of Delivery? After the birth of the child should eat according to the diet chart given by the doctor. Eat at the same time every day. Breakfast can never be omitted. Rather have to eat a heavy breakfast in the morning. Eating breakfast in the morning will make you feel less hungry throughout the day.

Eat less in the afternoon and at night. Vegetables, fish, pulses, meat should be eaten for lunch and dinner. However, everything must be eaten according to the diet chart. You can eat fruit between breakfast and lunch. Have a light breakfast in the afternoon.

Take a massage

Body massages are offered at various spas and wellness centers. You can also get a massage at home with a skilled person. Massage relieves body aches, aids in blood circulation, boosts metabolism, relieves fatigue, and helps restore the body to its former shape.

Get enough sleep

How to Lose Weight After 3 Months of Delivery? Adequate sleep helps to lose weight. Less sleep leaves the body tired. Many people eat more to get rid of this fatigue. Which causes weight gain. Mothers do not get time to sleep after childbirth. Even then, the mother has to take some time out to sleep.

Exclude fast food and sweets

Fast food cannot be eaten at all. Sweet foods should be avoided. And drink plenty of water. Water helps shed excess fat. You have to give fewer spices in cooking. Boiled and low-fat foods should be eaten.

Do not crash diet

How to Lose Weight After 3 Months of Delivery? Diet cannot be eaten without moderation. It is more likely to lose muscle than body fat. Moreover, lack of nutrition can lead to various diseases of mother and child due to lack of nutrition. Weight loss will be followed by fatigue and constant tiredness.

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