How to Lose Weight When You Love Food and Hate Exercise?

How to Lose Weight When You Love Food and Hate Exercise?

How to Lose Weight When You Love Food and Hate Exercise? We each have our own “food psychology” made up of the ways we think, feel, and behave around food. This is formed over time — through multiple factors including family/cultural food practices and beliefs, societal influences, food-laden environments, and the ways in which we “use” food in our lives.

How to Lose Weight When You Love Food and Hate Exercise?

Changing this food psychology is the key to lasting weight loss. But when you have repeatedly struggled with your weight, changing your thoughts, feelings, and behavior around food can feel too complex and too onerous—which is why many people give up.

How to Lose Weight and Still Eat the Foods You Love?

How to Lose Weight and Still Eat the Foods You Love? The only thing you really need to lose weight is a CALORIC DEFICIT. Therefore, technically you can eat whatever you want, even fast food every day, and still lose weight if you are eating fewer calories than you burn. But it isn’t really recommended to eat fast food every day because they are very high in calories and don’t satisfy you at all. So you end up feeling hungry in a few moments and overeat.

I recommend taking baby steps. Decrease your daily calorie intake by 100 calories per week, and go for 30-minute walks while listening to music. Walk every single day in a specific time to form a habit. So even if you hate it you’d still do it.

I Want to Lose Weight But I Can't Stop Eating

I Want to Lose Weight But I Can't Stop Eating: Healthy food is seriously more delicious than fast food, so incorporate more of it into your diet. You don’t have to go cold turkey on fast food- just reduce it from, say, 4 times a week to 2 times a week. If you are really craving something, have it in small quantities. If you feel tempted by unhealthy food in your pantry, don't buy it or ask your family members to hide it.

These changes might seem too small, but the easiest way to weight loss is the best. If you go on crash diets and eliminate entire food groups, work out 7 days a week, and never have junk food, you will soon cave into your cravings in a week or a month max. By taking baby steps to implement healthy eating and exercise into your routine, you form a habit and it will lead to a healthier lifestyle, while still losing weight.

I Want to Lose Weight But I Love Junk Food

I Want to Lose Weight But I Love Junk Food: I take it ‘I love food’ means ‘I love junk food’. I’m making an assumption here, but everybody loves food. If ‘I love food’ meant ‘I love salad, beans and chicken breast’ I don’t think you’d have any issues.

There are tonnes of resources out there to find out what’s healthy - you know already what healthy food is. Food cooked from fresh - lots of green leafy vegetables, meat, fish, dairy, eggs etc. Not too many calories, no processed junk like french fries, deep-fried batter, chocolate, sugar, cake, candy etc. Drinking water instead of soda.

If you want to be fit and healthy you have to eat well and get some exercise. Recipes are all over the internet. That’s not the issue you’re having.

You aren’t owed good health and fitness. If you want it, do the right thing and deserve it.

Once you get in the groove of eating healthy food, your tastebuds change. But I’m not going to give you encouragement. If you want health and fitness, earn it.

1. Happiness is not wearing skinny jeans.

No matter what you weigh, life ticks on. You will still experience joys and triumphs and setbacks and sadnesses. Too many people pin their hopes and dreams on something they don’t yet have. A new job. A new relationship. More money A new city. Most of all, a different (slimmer) body.

2. Treat yourself well — but not with food.

Food treats are one of the biggest barriers to lasting weight loss. We tell ourselves we’ve earned it, we deserve it, we need it — and so we do. The truth is we do need to treat ourselves well, but not just with food. We need a variety of ways to do it. Put some time into thinking of other ways that would work for you — and then practice using them.

3.Make food your curiosity — not your passion.

How to Lose Weight When You Love Food and Hate Exercise? If you repeatedly tell yourself you adore everything about food, guess what will happen? Food will take over your world.

Instead, begin to neutralize your feelings. Tell yourself you like and are interested in food — nothing more, nothing less. After all, food is just a thing lying on a plate or hanging out in a bag — it’s not asking you to adore it or obsess about it, so don’t hand it the power. Just let it be food.

4. Leave your past behind you.

It can help to know the historical reason for why we can’t lose weight, we’re stuck or we’ve failed previously but it can also turn into an excuse — and if you dwell on it, you’re gone.

Once you know why you want to reduce your food intake, bring yourself into the present. Think right here, right now. Focus on your plan, on doing what you need to do each day to move towards your goal.

5. Do what works.

If you’ve been in the weight loss game for a while, you will know better than anyone else what works for YOU, your body, and your lifestyle. So draw up a food and activity plan based on all those things, then begin. One day at a time.

6. Cleanskin your environment.

How to Lose Weight When You Love Food and Hate Exercise? Sustained weight loss is not just about straightening out your thinking. You need to make it easier by clearing out your home/office environments of big temptations. Figure out where your Hot Spots (biggest temptations) are, then put a strategy in place to counter it. For example, if it’s the 24/7 deli on your walk home, plan to take a different route.

7. Jump on the scales.

If you’re serious about this, it’s time to weigh in.

When I began working in weight loss I advocated a ban-the-scales approach because it put too much focus on a person’s weight, rather than the life we were trying to create for him or her.

But we do need to be honest about what we weigh and, if there’s a problem, to face up to it. It’s not helpful to avoid the numbers altogether.

8. Write down your WHY.

How to Lose Weight When You Love Food and Hate Exercise? You need to know why you’re doing this. People often don’t get serious about weight loss until they feel a sense of fear (like a health scare) desperation — or even (sadly) disgust. Those are the seriously big motivators.

So write down WHY you want to lose weight. You should have a short-term reason AND a long-term one. To the base, your efforts solely on a short-term goal are asking for trouble. What happens when the wedding or the high school reunion is over? What happens when you reach your goal weight?

9. Give yourself permission to work on yourself.

How to Lose Weight When You Love Food and Hate Exercise? People often have trouble allocating time to work on themselves. It feels self-indulgent — even selfish. But not only is this allowed to be all about you — it has to be. Making change must be your own decision, backed by your own motivation. AND you must be in the right emotional and physical space for committing to a plan and forming new habits.

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