How to lose belly fat if you have PCOS | PCOS Weight Loss Diet Plan and Exercise

How to lose belly fat if you have PCOS?

How to lose belly fat if you have PCOS? Since you have been diagnosed with PCOS, I hope and presume you are taking your OCPs.PCOS isn't an unmanageable condition, it requires your little dedication towards healthy eating and working out regularly.

How to lose belly fat if you have PCOS

PCOS Weight Loss Diet Plan and Exercise

PCOS weight loss diet plan and exercise, coming to your question now, body fat accumulates in certain places for certain people first and then spreads to other parts of the body. These places are genetically decided, as you may have seen few of the people having belly fat as their problematic area, few as arms, few as thighs, etc. These areas are also more stubborn to give way. So my suggestion to you would be, not to worry about your belly fat but to aim to reduce body fat as an overall parameter. Here are a few suggestions:-

1) Diet:-This is the most vital component of your fat loss mission.Stop sweets,chocolates,ice creams,desserts,fried items,chips,packages sweet items,biscuits,bread,pickles,ghee,butter,bakery and confectionery items.All of these are simple sugars and are directly absorbed into your system and most of the time converted to fat which is a bad thing. Plus they don't need much energy to digest as they are ‘simple' sugars, unlike complex sugars and proteins which I'll tell you about in my following point.

2) Start incorporating chapatis instead of rice, chicken, fish, eggs, vegetables, oats, milk, pulses, and legumes in your diet. Veggies are best for losing weight as they keep you full and provide you with vitamins and minerals.

3) Stop your traditional style of 3 meals/day and start eating every 4 hourly. The same amount of food is now eaten regularly. This increases your metabolic rate and prevents you from going hungry. Always measure your food, for example- 2chapatis and 2egg whites for breakfast or a serving of rice with a serving of beans and 2 pieces of chicken.

4) Coming to exercise if you can and have the time to join a gym like weight training enhances the speed of weight loss as muscles build so do their energy needs and when you are in between of your 4 hourly meals, they take their energy requirement from your surrounding fat. If you do join a gym, do compound exercises(I'd suggest you google about them ) as they activate various muscle groups simultaneously and build your strength and flexibility. If you do not/are not able to join the gym, then jogging/waking/swimming daily is what I'd suggest. Follow the HIIT method which involves you to walk/jog/swim at your normal pace initially for 10 sec, then swim/jog/walk at your max speed for 5 sec, and finally slow jog/walk/swim for 10 seconds. This is one cycle, you will need to do 20 cycles of this routine daily. Every week, add 1 sec to each of the 3 parts of the cycle and continue.

How to lose belly fat if you have PCOS? Remember that you will lose your belly fat eventually but give it time as Rome wasn't built in a day. Like all the good things in life, health to requires commitment, dedication, and consistency. Diet without exercise or vice versa is futile as both of them are essential for your goals. Finally, do not give up and don't expect immediate results but eventually, you will reach there but the journey will be noticed by your friends, family, and loved ones and their expressions will be priceless. How to lose belly fat if you have PCOS?

How to Lose Weight with PCOS Naturally 

How to lose belly fat if you have PCOS? All the very best with your health makeover and do let me know if further assistance is needed.

In PCOS women produce low estrogen. androgen is a male sex hormone that women’s bodies also produce. Women with PCOS often produce higher-than-normal levels of androgen. Excess insulin (a hormone that helps convert sugars and starches into energy) may cause high androgen levels.

Because PCOS is decreased in female sex hormones, this condition may cause women to develop certain male characteristics, such as: How to Lose Weight with PCOS Naturally

  • * excess hair on the face, chest, stomach, thumbs, or toes
  • * decrease in breast size
  • * deeper voice
  • * thin hair
  • * weight gain
  • * pelvic pain
  • * anxiety

Women with PCOS, particularly when its symptoms are not controlled, may also be at greater risk for:

  • * heart disease
  • * endometrial cancer
  • * diabetes
  • * high blood pressure


PCOS Weight Loss Diet Plan and Exercise: Women with PCOS are often found to have higher than normal insulin levels. It helps the cells in your body turn sugar (glucose) into energy.

If you don’t produce enough insulin, your blood sugar levels can rise. Too-high levels of insulin can cause your ovaries to produce more androgens, such as testosterone.

A diet high in refined carbohydrates, such as starchy and sugary foods, can make insulin resistant, and therefore weight loose not happens.

like I told upside that it's a hormonal imbalance so rather than the exercise you should start a good diet first.


  1. 1. High-fiber vegetables, such as broccoli
  2. 2. Lean protein, such as fish, tofu
  3. 3. Anti-inflammatory foods and spices, such as turmeric and cinnamon powder
    • * cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli, cauliflower, and Brussels sprouts
    • * greens, including red leaf lettuce and arugula
    • * Green and red peppers
    • * beans and lentils
    • * almonds
    • * berries
    • * sweet potatoes

after including these foods in your diet follow a strength training workout with a core training workout for a long period, you will definitely get results. How to lose belly fat if you have PCOS.

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