What Causes Belly Fat and How to Get Rid of Tummy Fat

What Causes Belly Fat and How to Get rid of Tummy Fat

What Causes Belly Fat and How to Get rid of Tummy Fat

What Causes Belly Fat and How to Get rid of Tummy Fat? Do you have that extra unwanted bulge around your waist called stubborn abdominal fat? If so, then you must be wondering what causes belly fat. The causes of belly fat can be related to a number of different factors. These can include your eating style, hormonal imbalances or even stress.

How to Get Rid of Belly Fat Quickly 

What causes belly fat in females and males? An important part of getting rid belly fat successfully is to know what causes it in the first place. But before we talk about the various reasons for fat in the tummy, do you know that there are two kinds of belly fat? Each type depends on where it is located. If it is found on the outer part of the abdomen below the skin, it is subcutaneous fat. If the fat is buried deep inside the abdomen then it is visceral. Both types of belly fat threaten your health but you should be more concerned with the visceral fat.  It wraps around your vital organs and is capable of killing you.

Obviously abdominal obesity is a dangerous type of fat that should not be taken lightly. If you know what causes belly fat it will be easier for you to correct the problem and prevent it from returning.

So Let’s Take a Look at What Causes Belly Fat 

Your eating style can have a big effect on excessive fat in the abdomen especially if you eat too much high calorie foods and do very little exercise. Studies show that high fructose consumption can cause excess belly fat.  These processed foods and other unhealthy fats raise your insulin level. High levels of insulin stores unwanted body fat and shut down glucagon, a hormone that burns fat.

A hormone imbalance related to stress can also cause unwanted fat in your tummy. Everyone experience stress at some time in their lives but stress causes some people to produce cortisol a hormone that stores fat on the body including in the abdominal area. The more stressed a person is, the more cortisol is secreted. This hormone is a big contributor to the dangerous visceral belly fat.
Excessive belly fat can be the side effect of some steroids and other prescription drugs that cause your insulin level to rise.

For some pre menopausal women, the hormonal changes they go through are what causes belly fat. This is because estrogen effect how fat is stored in the body.  And women tend to store fat in the belly area when estrogen level decreases.

When you reach a certain age you may start to gain some extra pounds in your abdominal area. As you get older you start losing muscle as the tissues weaken. This is especially true if you are not very active. The less muscle tissues you have the less calorie your body is able to burn. This makes it more difficult for you to lose weight and to keep it off.

Tummy fat  can be a challenge to get rid of. But the sooner you know what causes belly fat, the sooner you can eliminate it from your body.

Now that we know what causes belly fat, it’s time to take steps to get rid of it.

How to Get Rid of Lower Belly Fat Female

How to reduce belly fat in 7 days: When you make a commitment to getting rid of tummy fat, you will be preventing certain health problems.  It’s even possible to reverse some diseases caused by too much belly fat. You’ll feel better and the bonus is you’ll look better too!

So, how to get rid of tummy fat? Below are 5 easy tips to help you do this.

 1. Cinnamon May Help Remove Stubborn Belly FatWhat causes belly fat and how to blast it

High levels of insulin can make your body store a lot of stubborn fat and increase your appetite. Cinnamon can help your body to control blood sugar levels and produce less insulin.  Cinnamon consumed daily can help you lose tummy fat effectively by controlling your appetite and cravings. Use it in your meals or you can take a cinnamon capsule just before each meal. How to lose belly fat naturally in 1 week.

2. Drinking Water

Drink enough water to help get rid of tummy fatWater metabolizes stored fat and helps to eliminate excessive fat and toxin from your body. How do you know how much water to drink?  Drink half of your body weight in ounces. So, if you weigh 220 pounds, you should be drinking 110 ounces of water a day. Please note, if you are drinking bottled water; check the label to make sure that the bottle is BPA free. BPA is a known xenoestrogens which can cause your body to keep stubborn belly fat. 

3. Chew Your Food Properly

Make sure you chew your food properly. Chew food until it is liquid. Not only does this help you to digest your food properly but it also prevents you from over eating by telling your brain that you are full.

4. Avoid Eating Wheat

Try to avoid eating foods that contain wheat ingredients. Many refined carbohydrates such as biscuits, breads, pastas and cookies have wheat in them. Wheat raises your blood sugar and stimulates your appetite.

5. Exercise 

When exercising, choose exercises that work your whole body instead of those only focusing on your abdomen. You will burn stubborn belly fat more effectively by doing exercise like squats, lunges, and dumbbell swings since targeting larger muscle groups burns more fat. How to get rid of belly fat exercise.

There you have it, 5 simple tips to get you started on that stubborn tummy fat.  It can be a challenge but if you stick to these 5 steps, you’d be surprised to see how the fat starts to melt. For more tips on eliminating what causes belly fat watch this video.

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