How Omega 3 Benefits Pregnant Women and Babies

How Omega 3 Benefits Pregnant Women and Babies

How Omega 3 Benefits Pregnant Women and Babies? Omega 3 benefits you and your unborn child. Are you getting enough of it? Omega 3’s also known as fatty acids are essential nutrients that you and your baby need for optimal health and development. However, your body does not naturally produce omega 3’s,  so you have to get it from foods rich in omega 3′s or complementing your diet with supplements.

How Omega 3 Benefits Pregnant Women and Babies

How Omega 3 Benefits Pregnant Women and Babies - Health Benefits

Research indicates that women need even more omega 3’s when they are pregnant because the baby’s nervousOmega 3 Benefits Pregnancy system and development benefits from them.

Omega 3′s are Vital for the Expecting Mom and Baby

As a pregnant woman you must make a conscious effort to specifically add omega 3’s to your daily diet because it is not often found in a typical diet. If your body is not getting enough of this important nutrient, the fetus will start feeding from the reserved omega 3’s in your body. This can be problematic since omega 3 benefits your own health and well-being.

Key benefits of omega 3  fatty acids in your own health:

  • Helps normalize your blood pressure.
  • Helps normalize your kidney functions.
  • Supports your gastrointestinal tract and other hormones.
  • May prevent premature delivery.
  • omega 3 may also benefit in helping to prevent depression, anxiety, stress and other mood swings.
  • Key functions of omega 3’s fatty acids in your baby’s development:
  • Helps your baby’s visual and cognitive development from an early stage.
  • Stimulates cardiac and respiratory system growth.
  • Helps produce breast milk after your baby is born.
  • May reduce allergy risk in your new born baby.
  • May help increase healthy birth weight of the baby.
  • Supports the attention span of your child.
  • Support the development of the nervous system.

How to get the Omega 3 Benefits from Your Diet

Omega 3’s fatty acids can be found in whole organic eggs, flax seeds, chia seeds, walnuts and in fish such as tuna, sardines, salmon, herring, and anchovies.

Given that the benefits of omega 3′s  are often obtained through the consumption of a variety of fish, there are sometimes concerns about toxins that might be present in some fish and so, purified fish oil is said to be a safer choice to get your omega 3’s.

Although omega 3′s are vital, what’s also important is that you are getting it from healthy sources. When choosing fish oil, find out how the fish oil is manufactured and what quality standards the manufacturer is using. In addition, the fish oil should not have an unpleasant taste or smell. Avoid fish oil with added strong artificial flavors intended to mask or hide the fishy smell.

If your going to get the benefits of omega 3 by taking fish oil supplements, you must first talk to your doctor about it. In fact it is vital that you consult him or her before making any changes to your diet while pregnant. The information given here is based on research findings and is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to replace the advice and recommendation of medical professions.

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