When Are Foods With Carbs Harmful?

When Are Foods With Carbs Harmful

When Are Foods With Carbs Harmful? You need carbohydrates for a number of reasons. Among many health benefits such as supplying energy, fiber, vitamins and minerals to your body, foods with carbs keep you full and satisfied so that you don’t overeat and gain weight. 

When Are Foods With Carbs Harmful?

When Are Foods With Carbs Harmful? Facts You Need to Know

However, certain carbs, from highly processed foods like refined flour and sugar are unhealthy and can make it very difficult to lose weight.

How processed foods with carbs affect your health and weight

The carbohydrates in processed foods have excessive calories with little or no nutritional values. They raise your blood sugarProcessed foods with carbs and results in abnormal insulin levels. This then causes your body to store stubborn unwanted fat. Another thing that refined foods with carbs do is stimulate your appetite and cause you to feel hungry all the time. And for those who are accustomed to eating a lot of carbs over the years, it gets difficult to maintain normal insulin levels. Insulin resistance can then become a problem and along with the development of type 2 diabetes.

How to avoid too many of the wrong carbs in your food

Limit your consumption of grain-based foods and eat healthy meats, eggs and plenty vegetables. Corn is not a vegetable. It is a grain and can be unhealthy. I encourage you to read this article about unhealthy foods like corn.

  • Try to obtain most of your carbs from sweet potatoes, vegetables, fresh fruits and berries instead of grains.
  • If you must get grains, eat those with the highest nutrition and fiber values. For example you would use oat bran instead of oat meal. Similarly you can add wheat germ and rice bran to your cottage cheese, salads and soups which would provide you with the most nutritious part of the grains without too much starch or calories.
  • If you are use to eating large portions of foods with carbs, try to replace the urges by also eating good fats and healthy proteins. Healthy fats and proteins will help keep your appetite and sugar and hormone levels under control.

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