Nutrition Facts About Eggs That May Surprise You

Nutrition Facts About Eggs That May Surprise You

Nutrition Facts About Eggs That May Surprise You: What are the facts about eggs nutrition? Are they healthy to eat or do they put you at risk for diseases? These are some common questions that you may be asking.

Nutrition Facts About Eggs That May Surprise You

Interesting Nutrition Facts About Eggs That May Surprise You

Many individuals avoid eating whole eggs because they don’t know the 15 amazing facts about eggs about eggs and their nutritional values. You may have heard that eggs are bad because they are full of fat and cholesterol that cause heart disease. But this is not the case. Eggs are quite nutritious and have many health benefits.

What are the Facts about Eggs Nutrition and Your Health?

Here’s an egg facts 101; whole eggs are packed with 14 essential nutrients. This makes them good for us. Below are some of the many health benefits that you get from eating whole eggs.

Choline is a substance that you need to keep in good health but your body does not produce enough of it. 2 boiled egg calories: Eating 2 whole eggs a day would provide you with just the right amount of choline that promotes healthy brain function and development.

The egg yolk contains two special antioxidants (i.e lutein and zeaxanthin) which may help keep your eyes healthy by protecting them from the sun’s radiation.

An egg has 6 grams of high quality protein that your body needs. Here are 5 facts about eggs and some key benefits that protein provides:

  • essential amino acids that your body is unable to produce naturally
  • keeps you energized and curbs your unhealthy cravings
  • builds and repair muscle and tissues
  • helps to fight infections
  • Helps maintain healthy metabolism

What are the Nutrition Facts about Eggs Yolk?

Some people don’t eat egg yolks because they believe that the yolk is the unhealthy part of the egg that causes diseases. But there are some interesting facts about eggs that you probably weren’t aware of.  Facts about eggs and nutritionThe yolk is the most nutritious part of the egg and the egg white is not as nutritious without the yolk. The brain food choline is found in the egg yolk and the antioxidants that protect the eyes are found in the yolk. In addition, all the other very important nutrients are found mostly in the yolk. When you throw out the egg yolk you are throwing away minerals, vitamin A, vitamin B, folate, protein and other important nutrients.

What about the Fats and Cholesterol in Eggs, aren’t they linked to Heart Diseases?

Many people are concerned about the cholesterol in eggs and how it contributes to high blood cholesterol and heart diseases. However recent researches have now indicated that a diet that contains cholesterol is not that big of a deal for a lot of people. It is the unhealthy trans and saturated fats found in processed foods that increase blood cholesterol and the risk for diseases. Cholesterol is produced in the liver when you eat too much unhealthy saturated fats.  An egg has no trans fat and only 1.5 grams of saturated fat. Eating whole eggs on a daily basis does not raise bad cholesterol levels or contribute to the risk of heart disease. Scientific facts about eggs is that they contain the healthy kinds of fats that can help normalize your body’s cholesterol levels. It’s good to eat healthy fats like those found in eggs on a regular basis.

25 interesting facts about eggs

When it comes to weight management you should choose foods that give the least amount of calories for the maximum amount of nutrition. Since whole eggs have 14 essential nutrients and only 70 calories, they are a good choice for managing your weight. The healthy fats and calories found in eggs help keep your fat burning hormones at a good level therefore helping you to burn body fat effectively.

I hope you got your questions answered on the mind blowing facts about eggs here in this article. Happy weight loss. If you like this article please share it.

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